Feb152023News A day in the adult program at the SCAMPY shop. Category: NewsBy J. Peter DeVitoFebruary 15, 2023Leave a comment Author: J. Peter DeVito Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Annual Cruise, Barbeque and Wine Tasting February 18thNextNext post:Wheel Bearing Maintenance – Spring 2023Related Posts2024 Sunnyland Annual Meeting and BanquetOctober 8, 202443rd Sunnyland Boat Festival Registration Now OpenJanuary 23, 2024SCAMPY Update January 2024January 17, 2024Annual Cruise, Barbeque and Wine Tasting February 17th 2024January 13, 2024SCAMPY Boat for Sale – 1982 Skiff Craft with V8 MercruiserJanuary 13, 2024SCAMPY Fall UpdateOctober 28, 2023