The “Sunnyland Chapter Apprentice Mentoring Program for Youth”, SCAMPY, was established in 2009 to introduce youth to boating and boating safety. It allows students to learn boat building skills while they are mentored in the use of hand and power tools. Sunnyland supplies all materials and equipment at no cost, except for the engines, some of which are provided through a partnership with the Florida Antique Outboard Motor Club.

First time builders can choose between two plans. The first is an eight foot hydroplane powered by a 9.9 HP engine. This 1950”s Popular Mechanics plan is designed to be built in a short period of time and capable of 25 MPH. The second option is the SCAMPY Fisherman, a Glen L design 13 foot boat powered by a 9.9 HP engine. For more accomplished students, the ACE boat, a 12 foot runabout powered by a 25 HP outboard engine and capable of speeds of 25-35 MPH is available.

Both the SCAMPY and AMIkid’s partnership are totally funded by member donations of boats and boating items along with grants from several outside foundations and individuals.

Sunnyland Youth Development At Work