Fall has arrived, which means the SCAMPY adult program is beginning its fall/winter classes.
Work continues on the 1962 Century Resorter. Last spring before classes halted for the
summer, the 5200 bottom was completed, the Crusader power was taken in for a rebuild, the
interior kit was ordered, gauges sent to Kocian Instruments for rebuilding, and the chrome
taken in for re-plating.
We’ve decided to expand the scope of the project by re-planking the entire hull, as the original
planking is pretty tired. Once the current planks are removed, new planks will be fabricated out
of African mahogany. The sides will be skinned with 3m Okume, then the new planks will be
glued/screwed using the WEST system. The finish work will also explore a different method
than most are used to, employing the same techniques of many new wood boat
builders…including Van Dam.
Classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am – 12 noon at the SCAMPY shop. Stop by to check
out the progress, gain some restoration tips, get your hands dirty, or just enjoy the fellowship.
Jeff Funk will be leading the classes. No registration required.