2019 Sunnyland Boat Festival
Our 38th Annual Sunnyland Antique and Classic Boat Festival
Registration Is Now Closed
See You At The Show
Our 38th Annual Sunnyland Antique and Classic Boat Festival
Registration Is Now Closed
See You At The Show
Are you ready for a Really Big Blast?! Come on down to the St. Johns River Cruise and Sunnyland Festival!! As reported in the Nov. 30, ACBS Weekly Web Watch, the city of Tavares is hard at work on the dock situation.
DetailsGo to our Sunnyland Ship Store and order your boat show apparel today. It is easy and you will have many more choices than what will be on hand at the show. You can order online and TipTops will have your order ready for pickup at the show. Don’t wait Click Here and place your…
DetailsMr. John Hough John lives with his wife Karen in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. They moved there 25 years ago from the New Jersey suburbs of Philadelphia. They have three children, two grandchildren, two dogs and two grand puppies. John is a semi-retired attorney, concentrating his practice in Wills, Trusts and Estates. John has served…
DetailsSunnyland President Joe Coleman After a childhood as a Navy dependent moving back and forth across the country at least a dozen times, Joe Coleman finally settled in Jacksonville in 1975. He had his own marine construction company before beginning a 26-year career in facilities and construction management with Jacksonville University and the City of…
DetailsIn Memory Of Mr Robin Parker Mr. Gordon Millar We are sadden to report the lose of two long time Sunnyland members, who contributed countless hours of their time volunteering in our chapter. Robin, was a long time volunteer in our flea market at our boat festival. Robin was a go to person at the…
DetailsFESTIVALS OF SPEED Update December 14, 2018 The Sunnyland Chapter of the ACBS was invited to show their boats at the FESTIVALS OF SPEED show held at the Ritz Carlton Grande Lakes in Orlando held on Sunday, December 2nd. It was a tremendous show with over 350 exhibits including an original Ford GT 40 valued…
DetailsSUNNYLAND 2018 ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET Mount Dora Yacht Club It was a beautiful weekend for our Annual Meeting and Banquet in Mount Dora. The weekend started on Friday afternoon with a boat repair clinic at the Old Time Boat Company hosted by Ingrid, Gary and Doug Sherb. Doug and Gary explained some of…
DetailsFESTIVAL OF SPEED Ritz Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes Show Date: December 2, 2018 The 2017 Sunnyland Crew FESTIVALS OF SPEED has once again invited our Sunnyland ACBS members to show their boats at the Ritz Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes on December 2nd, 2018. We all had a great time last year and we won some really…
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