The 2020 Sunnyland Antique Boat Festival Has Been
The over whelming impact of the Coronavirus has resulted in the SUNNYLAND ANTIQUE BOAT FESTIVAL BEING POSTPONED. The Sunnyland Chapter along with the City of Tavares did everything possible to host the event. The City Council went the Extra mile and it appeared that the show would go on. The Chapter was determined to host the event and as most everyone knows the situation is very fluid and changes daily.
The Sunnyland Board of Directors is very concerned about safety and health issues and based on guidance from the State of Florida, made the decision to postpone the event. Our show is a small part of what the World is facing and hopefully we can all pull together and get this behind us. I thank all of you for your support and for believing in our show. With God’s blessing and your continued support we will defeat this Virus and get back to Boating.
Terry Fiest, Chairman