Join Sunnyland Today!

If you know someone who’s interested in antique and classic boating or who might benefit from an association with our organization, please tell them about ACBS and its benefits.
New members are most welcome!

Membership benefits include:

  • Membership in the ACBS (Antique and Classic Boat Society) and its worldwide network of members and suppliers.
  • Receipt of the annual ACBS membership directory — a comprehensive listing of all ACBS chapters, members, and boats.
  • Subscription to “The Rudder” the quarterly publication of the ACBS.
  • Subscription to “The Sheerline”, the Sunnyland chapter’s own quarterly newsletter/publication.

To become a member and pay by check

To download the Sunnyland registration form Click Here

Complete and submit the membership form along with your check to:

Lynn McFarlin
Sunnyland Chapter ACBS
14174 Fort Worth Circle
Port Charlotte Fla. 88931

ACBS dues are $75 and the Sunnyland Chapter dues are $25.
Make your total check for $100 payable to: Antique & Classic Boat Society.

If you prefer to pay by credit card, Click Here to join Sunnyland using the ACBS website.

For questions or more information please contact Lynn at 860-966-7189 or email: Click Here

Thanks for your interest! We look forward to meeting you at an upcoming event.