SCAMPY Adult Program Update
By: Lou Ronca
December 27, 2022
The 1962 Resorter restoration is coming right along. We have had as many as five participants getting their hands dirty, learning how to install a new 5200 bottom on this 17’ Century. Bad structural components have been replaced, new battens installed, and now the inner bottom layer is also fabricated, sealed, and in the process of being put down with 5200.

There are no classes through the Holidays, but they will resume Tuesday, January 10th. The restoration continues every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9-12 at the SCAMPY work shop. Remember, all are welcome to come by and observe, question, get your hands dirty, or just hang out. The next phase will be fabricating new bottom planks.
Contact Lou Ronca with any questions. Hope to see you there!