“Lake Mirror Concours”
Lakeland, Florida
October 21, 2018
Pete DeVito
It was a beautiful day Saturday on the shores of Lake Mirror for the annual Lake Mirror Concours show in Lakeland. We had our usual Commodore tent area set up that provided a nice area along the shoreline to kickback, relax and spend time with our friends. This is a one day show on Saturday, but there is a small group of mostly past presidents that have gathered on Friday evening for years to have dinner at the local Cattleman’s Club next to the show venue. This year in the water we had Gerald Dake who brought his 1947 Chris-Chris Sportsman “Odyssey”, Bill Hancock with his 1959 Sebino “Fantasma”, Bruce Kester with his 1962 Correct Craft ski boat “Skidaddle” and Steven Bickart with his 17′ Chris-Craft ski boat. On land display next to our Commodore tent was Mark and Lori Yahn with their 1942 Chris-Craft 17′ Special Runabout along with Terry Fiest and his beautiful 1956 21′ Stancraft Torpedo “Glacier Girl”. This is a car show but I have to tell you our boats get the attention. The car guys frown on anyone touching their metal but most of us love when the spectators put their hands on our wood and just smile.
Land Display
Spectators Admiring Our Beautiful Boats
When Having A Shot Was Encouraged While Driving – 6 Passengers, 6 Shots