WOW! The 38th Annual Sunnyland Boat Festival Is One For The History Books!
The atmosphere was like a 4th of July festival
It was a wonderful show starting on Thursday and ending Sunday at noon. The weather was fantastic and it brought out the largest crowd we have seen in years. A big thanks goes out to Terry Fiest, our boat show chairman along with the many volunteers that make up the thirty plus committees. There were seventy boats in the water and as many on land display. The flea market and boats for sale lot was hopping with large crowds all day. The docks rocked a little (maybe more than a little) but it was all worth it with the many boats on water display. The Festivals Of Speed brought a new set of folks to the show that not only enjoyed the beautiful cars but also the boats on display. The outboard motor folks were on hand showing off their beautiful displays of engines and boats, some of which are rare.
Gallery of the boat show photos coming soon!